
Staying Motivated in the Offseason

March 25, 2015
ldamian washington - offseason motivation

Everyone is driven by something different. For some, it’s money. For others, it could be doing the right thing, setting a new record, inspiring others, attaining fame, or something else entirely. For me, staying motivated is about understanding that this process is bigger than myself. Working out and staying sharp isn’t for me—it’s all about […]

Why’s vs. Why Not’s

March 16, 2015
03-10-15 - Why vs Why Not - Blog Post

Discovering Your Why’s and Why Not’s My freshman year at Mizzou, I started to realize I was doing things that detracted from my main purpose. In those moments, where it became so easy to go off track and make the wrong decisions, I started to understand that every goal and every action—good or bad—has a “Why” […]

My Story, Your Story, and Why We’re Here Together

January 13, 2015
LDamian Mizzou tunnel is something I’m very excited about. It’s something I thought would be great to tell my story, share your story, and share the story of those I’ve come into contact with. I’ve met a lot of great people, and they’re the reason I’m in the position I’m in now. Is there something you’d like […]